SOA Webinars
Opening Message and General Session - Keynote Dr. Joel Selanikio
Agenda and Speakers
Deana K. Bell, FSA, Health Virtual Meeting Chair , MAAA; Roy Goldman, Ph.D., FSA, MAAA, CERA President-Elect, Society of Actuaries
Agenda and Speakers
Moderator(s): Deana K. Bell, FSA, MAAA
Presenter(s): Dr. Joel Selanikio

Deana K. Bell, FSA, Health Virtual Meeting Chair , MAAA (Moderator)
Deana Bell is a consulting actuary with Milliman's Seattle healthcare practice. Deana has expertise is in year-end financial reporting and reserving, Medicare Advantage, risk adjustment, and pharmacy benefits.

Roy Goldman, Ph.D., FSA, MAAA, CERA President-Elect, Society of Actuaries
Roy Goldman was honored to be elected President-Elect of the SOA in 2019 and, thus, in line to become the 72nd President in October 2020. He is a retired actuarial executive who was a Chief Actuary and/or CFO of two national insurers (Humana and Prudential's Group Business Unit) and two regional health insurers (Geisinger and Mercy Health Plans). He served three years on the boards of directors of the Society of Actuaries and is in his fourth year on the board of The Actuarial Foundation. He recently completed six years as a member of the Health Advisory Panel of the Congressional Budget Office. He has a Ph.D. in mathematics and is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst. He has been active in the SOA and Academy in both actuarial education and health policy for most of his 40-year career. He rose to become General Chair of Education and Examinations, where he changed how exams are graded and volunteers trained. He served on committees that developed new ideas such as the Fellowship Admissions Course. He led the committee that developed the new FSA exams and modules for the group and health track; He has published in The Wharton Healthcare Quarterly, Health Watch, Contingencies, The American Journal of Managed Care, and his 1990 TSA article and Disability Study note won an award for best paper on employee benefits. He has spoken at many health and annual meetings of the SOA and has been a spokesperson for the SOA on healthcare issues, such as the Affordable Care Act.

Dr. Joel Selanikio
Co-founder and CEO of Magpi, Physician at Georgetown University Hospital
Dr. Joel Selanikio is an award-winning physician, inventor, emergency responder and public speaker who leads the efforts of Magpi to develop and promote new technologies and business models for health and international development. He is a frequent keynote speaker and consultant in the fields of social entrepreneurship, innovation, big data, artificial intelligence, public and global health, healthcare, child health, epidemiology, and the use of technology for development and for emergency and disaster preparedness and outbreak response.