SOA Webinars
Preparing for the ESRD Influx in 2021
In this session, we will discuss the impact of regulation changes that will allow members with End State Renal Disease (ESRD) to sign up for Medicare Advantage in 2021 for the first time. We will delve into the current basics of how ESRD works, the characteristics of the population that is currently on original Medicare today and a comprehensive look at what plan sponsors should be thinking about going into 2021.
At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the three stages of ESRD and how they work today
- Understand the ESRD population that exists on original Medicare today
- Identify what benefits this subpopulation cares about and where they are likely to end up in 2021
- Explain the financial and bidding challenges this population presents for MA and PD plans
Agenda and Speakers
Moderator(s): Christopher Andrews, FSA, MAAA
Presenter(s): Christopher Andrews, FSA, MAAA; Adam Barnhart, FSA, MAAA; Adam Keach, FSA, MAAA; Caroline Liu, ASA, MAAA, CERA

Christopher Andrews, FSA, MAAA (Moderator)
Chris has been with Humana for the last 7 years where he has specialized in Medicare Advantage. He has held several roles over this time period ranging from filing/overseeing the MA bids to assumption development and forecasting. Prior to joining Humana, Chris worked for 4 years at Anthem evaluating the ROI of commercial clinical review programs as well as rebuilding the trend projection process.
Chris is originally from Indianapolis and graduated from Ball State University with a degree in Actuarial Science. He and his family (wife, three children, and two large dogs) currently live in the Louisville area. In his free time Chris enjoys being outdoors, running, skiing, playing hockey, or backpacking as well as obsessing over fantasy football.

Adam Barnhart, FSA, MAAA
Adam is a leader in Medicare Advantage and Part D consulting. Adam has extensive experience developing bids and providing strategy support for both large and small health plans. He is directly involved with helping set Milliman’s Part D bid development strategy, and has worked with CMS regarding improvements to the process. He has assisted various other entities, including associations, employers, and health care providers. He has helped clients with product development and pricing, experience analysis, valuation of reserves, and financial reporting. Adam has more than 10 years of experience in these areas.

Adam Keach, FSA, MAAA
Adam Keach, FSA, MAAA, is a Louisville, Kentucky-based actuary at Humana. With Humana since 2008, Adam currently works with the National Forecasting Team to develop multi-year forecasts for ESRD and Hospice experience, with a special emphasis on helping Humana navigate the 21st Century Cures Act and its implications across the Medicare Advantage line of business. Prior to working at Humana, Adam obtained a B.S. in Mathematics, a B.S. in Computer Science, and an M.A. in Mathematics at the University of Kentucky. Outside of work, Adam enjoys carpentry and woodworking, and is currently remodeling an 1894 Victorian, which he (perhaps unrealistically) hopes to complete in the near future.

Caroline Li, ASA, MAAA, CERA