SOA Webinars
Professionalism Trivia
Join your teammates in our professionalism trivia event! Show off what you already know about actuarial professionalism, and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way. This fast-paced event promises to provide a fun and valuable professionalism continuing education experience.
Agenda and Speakers
Moderator(s): Joe Wurzburger, FSA, MAAA
Presenter(s): Joe Wurzburger, FSA, MAAA; Annette James, FSA, MAAA, FCA

Joe Wurzburger, FSA, MAAA (Moderator)
Joe has been with the Society of Actuaries since 2014. In his current role as Senior Director of Practice Support and Advancement, Joe leads a team of staff fellows who support SOA members across all practice areas. His team encourages thought leadership, contributes to actuarial knowledge development and content creation, facilitates innovation, and provides internal SOA consulting.
Joe further serves as senior staff fellow to the health practice area and provides subject matter expertise in long-term care insurance. In addition to his responsibilities related to traditional actuarial practice areas, Joe also leads the SOA’s insurtech activities.
Joe is a frequent speaker at industry meetings and is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, and a Member of the National Academy of Social Insurance.

Annette James, FSA, MAAA, FCA
Principal, NovaRest
Annette James is a Principal and Consulting Actuary with NovaRest, Inc., focused on serving the actuarial needs of state Departments of Insurance. Prior to NovaRest, Annette was the Lead Actuary for the Nevada Division of Insurance for almost fourteen years, where her responsibilities included monitoring the financial solvency of health insurance companies, reviewing health rate filings, and leading healthcare reform projects.